Ape saje lah entry kali ni kan.ehe..Aactually the title already described throughout the entry directly.hehe..jgn pening2 nnt kepala pusing..
Ye, now i am addicted to any kind of tea except spice one.haha..jumpe kt whittard chelsea td.quite surprise ade gak tea yg spice..ish xmola..xsedap kot.nape tah yaya terbayang2 kunyah cinamon.ish tah ape2 la yaya..*jgn layan*..
My favourite tea of course earl grey.Dari Malaysia lg sebenarnye dh minum earl grey.then terbawa2 ke sini.Di sana dulu minum Ahmad Tea.sini pun ade jg but i did try Twinning tea and the latest one Whittard Chelsea. Twinning is my favourite tea for everyday..but for everyday I suggest decaffein tea.

Not bad jg Whittard tea beli dua satu earl grey (sukenyee =D) lg satu english masih lg rs cam org melayu lepas minum tea tu..kehkeh..dh tu I'm a pure Malay woman tau! Actually nk bawa balik Malaysia.Tapi unfortunately yaya yg xtahan sabar ni dh rembat..*wink* xpe2 nnt seal balik kemas2..=P
Kenapa yaya xminum teh BOH or teh Lipton masa kt malaysia dulu?hehe..bukan xpernah..pernah...but..abg yaya yg beli Ahmad Tea London tu..terus jatuh hati..teh BOH n Lipton tu ok cuma pekat sket..kdg2 ade rs kelat..heheh..ngengada sebenarnye..But kedua2 teh ni kalau buat the tarik mmg kawlahhh!! (puji sket =D)
But to my dearest friends out there..dont forget to try earl grey tea tau..SEDAPPP...=) nnt senyum manis mcm yaya..*BIG lough!!*
itu je entry kali ni..LOVE sume..hehe..tata =D
Ape saje lah entry kali ni kan.ehe..Aactually the title already described throughout the entry directly.hehe..jgn pening2 nnt kepala pusing..
Ye, now i am addicted to any kind of tea except spice one.haha..jumpe kt whittard chelsea td.quite surprise ade gak tea yg spice..ish xmola..xsedap kot.nape tah yaya terbayang2 kunyah cinamon.ish tah ape2 la yaya..*jgn layan*..
My favourite tea of course earl grey.Dari Malaysia lg sebenarnye dh minum earl grey.then terbawa2 ke sini.Di sana dulu minum Ahmad Tea.sini pun ade jg but i did try Twinning tea and the latest one Whittard Chelsea. Twinning is my favourite tea for everyday..but for everyday I suggest decaffein tea.
Not bad jg Whittard tea beli dua satu earl grey (sukenyee =D) lg satu english masih lg rs cam org melayu lepas minum tea tu..kehkeh..dh tu I'm a pure Malay woman tau! Actually nk bawa balik Malaysia.Tapi unfortunately yaya yg xtahan sabar ni dh rembat..*wink* xpe2 nnt seal balik kemas2..=P
Kenapa yaya xminum teh BOH or teh Lipton masa kt malaysia dulu?hehe..bukan xpernah..pernah...but..abg yaya yg beli Ahmad Tea London tu..terus jatuh hati..teh BOH n Lipton tu ok cuma pekat sket..kdg2 ade rs kelat..heheh..ngengada sebenarnye..But kedua2 teh ni kalau buat the tarik mmg kawlahhh!! (puji sket =D)
But to my dearest friends out there..dont forget to try earl grey tea tau..SEDAPPP...=) nnt senyum manis mcm yaya..*BIG lough!!*
itu je entry kali ni..LOVE sume..hehe..tata =D
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