Thursday, 30 July 2009

Last sermon which delivered by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w (peace be upon him)

Assalamualaikum to muslimim and muslimat....=)

Post below is my reading for today which best to share with all of you. It was the last sermon by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w (peace be upon him). Let's ponder upon Prophet Muhammad's farewell sermon.

This sermon was delivered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat' (in Mecca).

O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take this words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be repealed.

Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, as much as you have your rights over your women, they too have their rights over you. If they have fulfilled your rights then they too deserve the rights to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And your rights over them are to disallow anyone you dislike into your houses and you are forbidden to commit adultery.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, perform the five daily prayers (Solah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, perform Zakat from your wealth, perform Hajj if you can afford to. Know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. (All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white) You are all equal. Nobody is more superior than the other except in piety and good action.

Remember, that one day you will appear before Allah and be accountable for every deed you have committed. So beware, do not ever be lead astrayed from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, No Prophet or Apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Therefore, O People, reason well, understand my words which I have conveyed to you. I leave behind two things; which if you hold to both strongly, forever, you will never be lead astrayed. That is - the QUR'AN and my SUNNAH (examples)

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me direcly. I bear witness O Allah that I have conveyed Your Message to Your people.

“Pada hari ini, telah Aku sempurnakan bagimu Agamamu, dan telah aku cukupkan nikmatKu untukmu, dan Aku redha Islam menjadi agamamu”. (Al-Maidah-3)
Ayat Terakhir yang diwahyukan Allah SWT ke atas Baginda Rasulullah SAW tidak lama selepas Khutbah Wida'


Monday, 27 July 2009

U'll Never Walk Alone....

Hi All...

Sorry guys...its not yaya here...but its the other half...niQ....ehe...xpe eh yaya...tumpang u nye blog...I guess it got my name in it...should be ok first time writing in a blog...i can say...writing is not my thing...mau pecah kepala nak tulis blog ni....hehe...just wanna leave a short message here...

To my friends in Starthclyde Uni.....yaya and the gang....:-)

give the best for your final project...everything lies in it...think of your love ones...their prayer alwiz with all of u...make them proud...make urself proud...its an opportunity of a is what the future hold...

To my Precious yaya....good luck dear....i know its hard now...but believe me u can...u one tough girl...and very smart too...u can achieve anything honey...:-)

remember....U'll Never Walk Alone...u have me...;-)

with love....

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Waktu bercinta cinta =))


Title entry pun dh rs mcm gelenyar jek..hikhik..xdela..sket je..bolehlaaa..=))

Actually saja nk adakan post utk hari ni..sambil2 buat dissertation ni...all my blood vessels in my head keep on better I stop studying for a while rather than they burst out!!! kang xpasal2 kene anto balik Malaysia..uwaa xmo2..Astaghfirullah..haish..jauh2la pk gitu yek yaya..kt bawah ni pic tengah bertarikh td..hikhik(gedik!!)

hmm..mana ni..lama tau yg gatal tgn n tetiba jd pic kt atas nih..=P

Duk la diam2..hehe..cian die xclear..dont worry are fairly clear in my heart!!



Td before betul2 mengadap segala journal ni ade bertarikh sekejap dengan niQ..hehe..lama jg dh xwebcam kan..xsempat ke? ye kot ;) hari ni niQ kt rawang rumah abg die..mama n papa (niQ) ade kt rawang..bestnye dapat main2 dengan baby Aufiya..makin comel n chubby..eeiiii ni yg aunty yaya gerammm ni tau..mujur dapat tgk kt webcam je..kalau x merah pipi kamu! =) ni antara pic yg snap guna webcam je..hehe..xclear pun tp nk letak jg!! =D

Comel kan? mcm auntie yaya ;)

Aufiya pandang auntie yek..=)

Ish2 ape Paksu wat ni..sesak nafas Aufiya tau!! Eiiiishammm!! Paksu xmandi!!

Oppa..this one mcm Aleeya kan..ade mirip laa..

Alolololo...ape ni Paksu xpandai jg baby ni..abis la..failed!!! =P

Ok,sekian lah untuk kali ini..bercinta cinta bersama Paksu dan Helena Aufiya..mmmmuuuahh!!

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Muhasabah diri anda

Assalamualaikum..muslimin dan muslimat semua...=)

Pada hari Jumaat, penghulu segala hari ini, yaya terasa mahu berbicara tentang sedikit pkr2 yg boleh membawa kite kpd muhasabah diri..bukan pada hari ni saja..sebenarnya hari2 pun kite patut muhasabah diri..seperti kata Datuk Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah, malam2 sebelum nk tidur tu muhasabah diri kite dulu jgn asyik berangan(kata kt diri sendiri ni =P)..fikirkan ape amal yg kite dah buat sepanjang hari..ape jg pkr yg xsepatutnye kite lakukan sepanjang hr..selain tu maafkan kesalahan2 org2 disekeliling kite..InsyaAllah kite bangun tidur pada keesokan harinye akan lebih bersemangat utk memulakan hari kite..=)

Yaya ni bukan lah ustazah atau sape2 nk bercakap soal agama ni..jgn lah ade yg salah fhm pula ye..tujuan yaya adalah utk sama2 ingat mengingatkan di antara kite..hidup kite ni utk sementara je...dunia kite kejar..akhirat pun kite cari.."Carilah rezeki seperti kamu ingin menongkat dunia dan beribadahlah kamu seperti kamu ingin mati pada esoknya" Sedar xsedar hari ni dh 1 Syaaban..sekejap saja kite dh meninggalkan bulan Rejab dan sebulan sahaja lg mendekati bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak..terasa begitu cepat masa berlalu..Alhamdulillah andai kite masih ada kesempatan utk terus menunaikan ibadah puasa, terawikh, zakat dan berbagai bentuk ibadah lg yg disunatkan sepanjang bulan mulia ini..sama2lah kite berdoa InsyaAllah..seperti jg bulan Ramadhan..bulan Rejab dan Syaaban jg mempunyai kelebihan2 nya yg tersendiri..ambillah peluang yg terbentang luas ini kerana tahun hadapan belum pasti lg bg kita..

Disini sini yaya sertakan sedikit maksud ayat dari surah Al Israa' bersempena Israa' Mikraj pd 27 Rejab..sama2 lah kite fahami dan beramal..

"Dan jgnlah kamu mengikuti apa yg kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggungan jawabnya. Dan jgnlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi ini dgn sombong, kerana sesungguhnya kamu sekali2 tidak dapat menembusi bumi dan sekali2 kamu tidak akan sampai setinggi gunung. Semua itu kejahatannya amat dibenci di sisi Tuhanmu." -Al Israa' (36-38)

Dan di bawah ni pula adalah beberapa kelebihan dalam bulan Syaaban yg bermula pada hari ini dan jg kelebihan malam Nisfu Syaaban (15 Syaaban)..selamat beramal...

Barangsiapa yang berpuasa sehari pada bulan Syaaban, diharamkan Allah tubuhnya dari api neraka. Dia akan menjadi tauladan Nabi Allah Yusuf a.s.di dalam syurga. Diberi pahala oleh Allah seperti pahala Nabi Allah Ayub a.s. dan Nabi Daud a.s. Jika dia sempurnakan puasanya sebulan di bulan Sya'aban, dimudahkan Allah atasnya Sakrotulmaut dan ditolakkan (terlepas) daripadanya kegelapan di dalam kubur, dilepaskan daripada hura-hara Munkar dan Nakir, ditutup Allah keaibannya di hari kiamat dan diwajibkan syurga baginya.

Barangsiapa berpuasa pada awal hari khamis pada bulan Sya'aban dan akhir khamis daripada Syaaban, dimasukan dia ke dalam syurga. (dari kitab Al-Barakah).

Berkata Siti Aisyah r.a., bulan yang lebih dikasihi oleh Rasululah s.a.w. ialah bulan Syaaban.

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Sya'aban adalah bulanku dan Ramadhan adalah bulan umatku. Syaaban ialah mengkifaratkan (menghapuskan) dosa dan Ramadhan ialah menyucikan dosa (jasmani dan rohani).

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Bahawa puasa Syabaan kerana membesarkan Ramadhan. Siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari daripada bulan Sya'aban, kemudian dia bersalawat atasku beberapa kali sebelum berbuka puasa maka di ampunkan oleh Allah dosanya yang telah lalu, diberkatikan rezeki baginya, antara lain sabdanya lagi: Bahawa Allah Ta'ala membukakan pada bulan itu tiga ratus pintu rahmat.

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w.: Dinamakan Syaaban kerana padanya terdapat kebajikan yang amat banyak dan puasa yang lebih afdhal sesudah Ramadhan ialah puasa bulan Syaaban. Pengertian Sya'aban: Kemuliaan, Ketinggian, Kebajikan, Jinak, Cahaya.

Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Bahawa kelebihan Rejab atas bulan-bulan yang lainnya seperti kelebihan Qur'an atas segala kalam. Kelebihan Syaaban atas bulan-bulan yang lainnya seperti kelebihanku atas segala Anbia' (Nabi-nabi). Kelebihan Ramadan atas bulan-bulan yang lain seperti kelebihan Allah atas sekelian makhlukNya.

Bulan Sya'aban, keagungan malamnya dengan Nisfu Syaaban seperti keagungan Ramadhan dengan Lailatul Qadarnya. Maka pada malam Nisfu Sya'aban telah datang Jibril kepada Rasulullah s.a.w lalu katanya: Angkat kepalamu ke langit, itulah malam yang Allah beri padanya tiga ratus rahmat dan diampunkan Allah sekelian orang yang menyengutukan (syirik) denganNya dengan sesuatu, kecuali: tukang nujum, kekal dalam zina, kekal minum arak, derhaka terhadap ibubapa.


Selesai sembahyang Maghrib hendaklah membaca Yasin dengan niat panjangkan umurnya dalam mentaati Allah. Kemudian berdoalah. Kemudian dibacakan pula Yasin dengan diniatkan diluaskan Allah rezekinya yang halal dan diberkatinya, kemudian lalu dibacakan doanya. Kemudian dibacakan pula Yasin dengan niat minta mati dalam iman, kemudian lalu dibacakan doanya.

Pada malam Nisfu Syaaban sangat baik memperbanyakkan beristighfar (memohon keampunan) dan taubat dari dosa-dosa besar dan kecil serta meminta diampunkan Allah ibubapa kita dan keluarga kita. Maksud doanya:

Ya Allah, Engkau Tuhanku, tiada ada Tuhan melainkan Engkau, Engkau telah menjadikan aku dan aku adalah hambaMU, sentiasa berada dalam genggamanMu dan ketetapanMU, tiada ada kesanggupanku. Aku mengaku padaMU nikmatMu atasku dan aku mengaku kepadaMu dengan dosa-dosaku, maka ampunilah aku. Sesungguhnya tiada apa yang akan mengampun dosa melainkan Engkau jua. Aku berlindung dengan Engkau daripada kejahatan apa yang telah aku lakukan.

Memohon keampunan dua ibubapa, maksudnya: Ya tuhanku ampunilah aku dan kedua ibubapaku dan rahmatilah duanya sepertimana mereka mendidik aku di waktu kecil. (Rabbigh firli waliwa lidaiya warham huma kama rabbayaani soghiro)

Memohon keampunan dan taubat diri: (70/100 kali pagi petang). Maksudnya: Aku mohon keampunan Allah dan aku bertaubat kepadanya. (Astagfirullah hal a’zim wa atu bu ilaih)

Membaca: (beberapa kali - pahala seperti ibadat seribu tahun). Maksudnya: Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah dan tiada kami sembah melainkan dianya, dengan cara ikhlas kepadanya, lagi tetap teguh di atas tauhid, walau pun membenci oleh orang-orang kafir. (La ila haillallah wala na’budu illa iyyahu mukhliseena lahuddin walau karihal kaafirun)

Membaca Al-Quran.

Membaca Tasbih: Seratus kali tiap-tiap satu.

Maksudnya: Maha Suci Tuhanku yang Maha Tinggi. (Subhanarob biyal a’ala)

Maksudnya: Maha Suci Allah dan dengan segala kepujianNya. Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Agung. (Subhanallah wabihamdih, Subhanallahal ’azim)

Maksudnya: Maha Suci Allah dan segala kepujian bagi Allah tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan Allah Maha Besar (Agong) tiada suatu daya dan tiada suatu kekuatan melainkan dengan Allah Yang Maha Agong. (Subhanallah, walhamdulillah, wala ila ha illallah, Allahhu akbar, walahaula wala qhuwwatailla billahil ‘aliyyil ‘azeem)

Membaca Salawat Atas Nabi: (Allahhummasolli ‘ala Muhammad) 10 atau 100 kali pagi dan petang.

Membaca Zikrullah: (La ila ha illallah) 100 kali selepas sembahyang Subuh dan Asar.

Sembahayang-sembahyang sunat: Sunat Mutlaq, Sunat Isyraq, Sunat Dhuha, Sunat mengiringi Fardhu, Sunat Awwabin, Sunat Tahajjud, Sunat Tasbih, Sunat Witir dan Sunat Hajat di tengah malam sebaik-baiknya memohon hajat sesuatu.


Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Liverpool FC d(^o~)b


I'm a big fan of Liverpool Football Club! hihi..why? u don't believe me? Its up to you because I don't believe it as well...BIG lough!!=D

Actually it was started with Michael Owen who was the striker for that big English Football Club at that time..mcm pandai je..=P I love to see his cute face..=D I admire his determination and energy! He is the legend of my football striker ever!! who care?? haha

But now Owen joining MU..Has Owen betrayed Liverpool by joining Manchester United?? hmm..5 years back Owen left Liverpool for Re
al Madrid and then he joined Newcastle in 2005..I thought that Owen will be back to anfield..yea..why not? Don't u think that it was not a distance between Anfield and Old Trafford right?haha

10 Fantastic Owen Facts!

1.Michael is the youngest ever player to score for England, his first goal was against Morocco in Casablanca after coming as a substitute for the injured Ian Wright.

2. He scored his first hat-trick away to Sheffield Wednesday and, despite his stunning performance, Liverpool only drew the match 3-3.

3. In his first full season at Anfield, Michael finished joint top scorer in the premiership with 18 goals. Coventry's Dion Dublin and Blackburn's Chris Sutton finished on the same total.

4. He scored on his first-team debut at Wimbledon in May 1997. He was only 17 and appeared as a second-half substitute, netting in The Reds' 2-1 defeat.

5. In 1995 Owen first hit the big time while wearing an England shirt when he broke the schoolboys' goal scoring record.

6. Michael has been going out with the same girl since his school days.

7. Michael received an FA Youth Cup winner's medal in the 1995-96 season, scoring a goal in the second leg of the final as they beat West Ham 4-1 on aggregate.

8. Owen picked up the PFA Young Player of The Year award after his outstanding performances this year.

9. Sports Umbro signed him up to wear their boots at the age of just 15. He has his own pair of custom made boots, which he sported in the World Cup.

10. Although Michael plays for England, he could have played international football elsewhere. His grandparents are Scottish and he grew up in Wales.

10 Things You Never Knew About Owen

1. Michael has a rather broad taste in music, with his faves including Three Lions popsters the Lightning Seeds... and crinkly, crappy old crooner Lionel Richie.

2. He lives in Hawarden, a well posh village just a little way outside Chester right on the border of England and Wales.

3. When he was younger Michael's favorite TV show was Record Breakers, but these days he prefers A Question of Sport.

4. When he first signed for Liverpool as a YTS trainee Michael was paid the grand sum of £42.50 a week by the Anfield club. His wages have risen a little bit since then, apparently!

5. Michael's mum cooks him tea every night as he's useless in the kitchen.

6. If Michael and his long term girlfriend Louise ever get hitched don't expect to see loads of Becks n Posh style wedding pics in Hello! "When i get married i want to do it quietly," he says.

7. Despite those Walkers crisps TV ads, don't expect Michael to follow Vinny Jones and Eric Cantona into acting. "I'm really bad at acting, i'd rather stick to what I can do."

8. Michael's always been well into his sports. When he was a youngster he trained as a boxer for a year and even had a few bouts. His favourite boxer is yank bad boy Mike Tyson.

9. Michael's the youngest but one in the Owen family. He's got two older brothers (Terry n Andrew) and an older sister (Karen). Youngest sister Lesley is only 15.

10. Michael's been sent off twice in his career. Once while playing for England under-18s against Yugoslavia and again against Man Utd at Old Trafford.

Yea its true!!I copied all the informations above from the internet!!but at least I read through all those informations before I post them here..!LOL! Furthermore I did kept some of these facts in my scrap book once upon a time..nenenenenene..v(*o*)/

Who is He??You know?I don't know =D

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Quiet..Empty..I'm Alone..

Assalamualaikum... I feel alone...huhu..i dont like this feeling..really distract me for the whole day!!

bile cuba nk concentrate dgn keje masa ni la semua rs2 sunyi ni nk dtg..ngada2 betul..kacau je..=( but kdg2 bagus jg..bile sunyi mcm ni..yaya akan teringat org2 yg selalu bising..rindukan mereka badly!! siapakah mereka? antaranya arwah ayahanda Mohd Salleh bin Hj.Ishak..rindu pada arwah yg suke berjenaka..lawak spontan dan sgt2 penyayang.

selain ayah tentu yaya rindukan mak..rindu sgt2..ape mak tengah buat masa ni ye..sekarang dh dekat nk berbuka puase..kalau kt rumah mak mesti tanye nk mkn pe berbuka nnt..mak mmg hebat kalau bab masak2 ni..lg2 kuih2 melayu...hmm...kecur lidah ni tringat kuih2 mak..karipap, pau sambal, popia, kuih koleh, tepung bungkus dan macam2 lg la..mak mmg juara la bab2 kuih ni..kasi je kuih melayu pe semua mak tahu! =)) proud of sayang..yaya xpandai la plak..sket2 je..mak..balik nnt nk belajar ye! =)

akhirnye sekarang yaya dh xrs sunyi jg bercerita dlm blog ni kan..hehe mcm berbual2 padahal ckp sorang2..hehe..dh nk berbuka ni..kepada sesiapa yg berpuasa hr ni..selamat berbuka puasa..semoga Allah melimpahkan rahmatNya kpd kite semua di bulan Rejab ini..amin...jumpe lg semua...=)

p/s: To niQ, Happy belated anniversary for 3 years and 1 month. I love you more n more...walaupun u buat i rs sunyi tp sunyi tu indah..=)

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Tea Addicted


Ape saje lah entry kali ni kan.ehe..Aactually the title already described throughout the entry directly.hehe..jgn pening2 nnt kepala pusing..

Ye, now i am addicted to any kind of tea except spice one.haha..jumpe kt whittard chelsea td.quite surprise ade gak tea yg spice..ish xmola..xsedap kot.nape tah yaya terbayang2 kunyah cinamon.ish tah ape2 la yaya..*jgn layan*..

My favourite tea of course earl grey.Dari Malaysia lg sebenarnye dh minum earl grey.then terbawa2 ke sini.Di sana dulu minum Ahmad Tea.sini pun ade jg but i did try Twinning tea and the latest one Whittard Chelsea. Twinning is my favourite tea for everyday..but for everyday I suggest decaffein tea.

Not bad jg Whittard tea beli dua satu earl grey (sukenyee =D) lg satu english masih lg rs cam org melayu lepas minum tea tu..kehkeh..dh tu I'm a pure Malay woman tau! Actually nk bawa balik Malaysia.Tapi unfortunately yaya yg xtahan sabar ni dh rembat..*wink* xpe2 nnt seal balik kemas2..=P

Kenapa yaya xminum teh BOH or teh Lipton masa kt malaysia dulu?hehe..bukan xpernah..pernah...but..abg yaya yg beli Ahmad Tea London tu..terus jatuh hati..teh BOH n Lipton tu ok cuma pekat sket..kdg2 ade rs kelat..heheh..ngengada sebenarnye..But kedua2 teh ni kalau buat the tarik mmg kawlahhh!! (puji sket =D)

But to my dearest friends out there..dont forget to try earl grey tea tau..SEDAPPP...=) nnt senyum manis mcm yaya..*BIG lough!!*

itu je entry kali ni..LOVE sume..hehe..tata =D

Friday, 17 July 2009


Assalamualaikum...entry for today..nothing so important to others..but to me...=) my dedication to my beloved beloved niQ..I L.O.V.E.....I'm not you are always have me..You are NOT alone..
You Are NOT Alone

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone

'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone

Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin

Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone

Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there

You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart

For you are not alone...